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Sue Winter - Cosmetic Tattooing & Specialist Skin Clinic - Videos

First experience of tattooed brows

Carol now has eyebrows!

Natural looking eyebrows

Completion of tattooed eyebrows

Reaction to an 18 month boost

"I had no eyebrows"

What this lovely lady thinks about her brows

Is it convenient having tattooed eyebrows?

Sandra's testimonial

Why Mary had her brows tattooed

Janet's eyebrows

Claire's testimonial

Eyebrow boost testimonial

Why tattooed brows are easier than makeup

Why this lady had her brows tattooed

Brow boost experience

Brow boost testimonial

Pat's testimonial

Testimonial from a lovely client

A happy client testimonial

Do you have to shave off your brows?

Can you have your eyebrows tattooed if you are 50+

Do tattooed brows took natural

Snippet of newly tattooed brows

Hair stroke eyebrows straight after session

Little clip of new tattooed brows